"If you empower a child in the water, it can feed back into the family, and what they're doing outside the pool as well" - Julie Kamara & Zara Peasland - Aqua Education

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Julie Kamara is an international swimming tutor with experience of delivering courses in the UK and around the world. She has over 30 years experience and is not only a swim tutor in her home county of Norfolk but owns a swim school there. Julie is qualified to recognise and deliver a range of skills such as Reflex Observation and Integration Therapy and Movement Therapy. Julie is also a Developmental Play Practitioner. 

Zara Peasland lives and works in Milton Keynes where she runs her own swim school alongside her Aqua Education committments. She is a highly qualified Aquatic Reflex Tutor so is ideally placed to recognise and deliver practical solutions and developmental and educational advice and techniques for other swim professionals. Alongside Julie she has worked as an international tutor with over 30 years experience and a skill set to match. 

There vision is ...

for swimming teachers to see themselves, and be recognised as 'Early Years Aquatic Educators'. With the right tools and training, professional swim teachers can bring a holistic approach to the pool when working with babies, young children and their families. By embracing Early Years Education skills which can be expertly weaved into their swimming lessons, swim teachers are able to  add capital to lessons, embrace and satisfy their customers and grow their business.

Aqua Education's range of products, courses and consultancy webinars have been developed
exclusively by us and are only available. By combining our expertise in a broad range of therapies, with our passion for teaching and real-life experiences, we have created bespoke training courses, CPD opportunities and a number of key products to expand your Teachers Toolbox and your role as an Aquatic Educator.


"The environment where equity comes alive" - Jo Wilson owner of Aqua Sensory